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Kate Fox

QuestionWhat inspires you?

AnswerUnusual contrasts and juxtapositions of words or events, people speaking their truths, Leonard Cohen and the need to speak the unsaid.

QuestionWhich leadership development programme did you attend?

AnswerArtist Practitioner placement

QuestionWhy did you choose the programme?

AnswerI’m passionate about engaging people in my artform and wanted to develop my own ability to do that.

QuestionHow do you relax?

AnswerLooking at the sea, eating chocolate, reading crap magazines and excellent memoirs and watching Boston Legal on DVD.

QuestionWhat single thing would improve the quality of your work-life?

AnswerMore time to write

QuestionWhat is your greatest fear?

AnswerBeing unheard.

QuestionWhat pearl of leadership wisdom would you offer an emerging leader?

AnswerLead as yourself.

QuestionWhat is your guiltiest pleasure?

AnswerThe aforementioned chocolate and crap magazines. Also liking ITV2’s “Paris Hilton’s New Best Friend” was a new low in guilty pleasures.

QuestionWhat words or phases do you most overuse?

Answer“It’s the way forward”, “It be reet”.

QuestionWhat has been your most challenging situation as a leader?

AnswerWorking with someone who didn’t value my usual techniques in leading a creative schools project.

QuestionWhat did you learn from that experience?

AnswerThat showing by doing doesn’t always work; sometimes you have to show and express your workings especially if someone is resistant to what you’re doing for whatever reason.

QuestionWhat is your idea of perfect happiness?

AnswerLots of good food and kisses by the sea.

QuestionWhich book(s) are you reading at the moment?

AnswerI’m in the middle of; Michael Chabon’s “Maps and Legends”, Glen David Gold’s “Sunnyside”, Tim Moore’s “French Revolutions”, and have just started but am pained by Sebastian Faulks’ “A Week in December”.

QuestionWhich 'leader' from the past or present day do you most admire and why?

AnswerAm beginning to admire really Carol Ann Duffy for the way she’s broadening out the laureateship- I suspect quite selflessly too.

QuestionWhere would you like to live?

AnswerBy the sea. France one day.

Question Did you experience any eureka! moments during your leadership development programme? If yes, what?

AnswerThat leading through practice is potentially powerful but not the default organisational model of leadership. That fulfilling my potential as an artist could be a good way of leading.

QuestionWhat is your favourite smell?

AnswerJasmine and the Body Shop’s Ananya.

QuestionIf you were a super hero, what would your power be?

AnswerI would be Thesaurus Woman

QuestionHave you found your leadership development beneficial?


Question Why?

AnswerIt’s made me think bigger; in terms of what I can do as an artist and within and for my artform. It’s broadened my horizons and shown I don’t have to go down the organisational route to be an effective leader in some way. Also people keep saying “Make sure you’re getting something out of what you’re doing” and I’m listening.

QuestionFor what cause would you die?

AnswerI’d live and speak instead.

QuestionWhat do you consider to be your greatest (professional or personal) achievement?

AnswerMy greatest professional achievement was becoming Radio 4 Saturday Live’s Poet in Residence. My greatest personal achievement has been learning to trust love.

QuestionWhat has been your most embarrassing moment?

AnswerA horrible death on stage in Bridlington when they clearly thought the pink flying v ululele innovation in my act was rubbish.

QuestionWhat would your 'leadership' motto be?

AnswerBeing beats doing.

QuestionIf you were stranded on a desert island what 5 things would you want with you?

AnswerMy fiancee, chocolate, the internet, an endless supply of books, a personal chef.

QuestionWhat is your favourite song?

AnswerBruce Springsteen’s “Born to Run”

QuestionWhat keeps you awake at night?

AnswerKnowing I have to get up early.

QuestionWhat is the most important lesson life has taught you so far?

AnswerIf you don’t have it you can learn it.

QuestionDo you plan to do more leadership development? If yes, what area do you plan to focus on?

AnswerI want to do some research and am very interested in action learning as a way of mentoring new creative facilitators and artists.


Kate Fox

Name: Kate Fox
Title: Associate Writer
Organisation: New Writing North
Location: Newcastle upon Tyne

Literature development agency for the North East of England