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Pim Baxter

Deputy Director and Director of Communications and Development, National Portrait Gallery

Pim Baxter

"Pim's ability to influence and collaborate makes her very able to take on more responsibility in a senior position in the arts, cultural or museums sector. Add this to her inspirational ability to lead others, and she is someone who deserves wider recognition for her talent."

Responsible for leading the National Portrait Gallery’s promotional and fund-raising work, Pim holds several senior roles at the Gallery and has brilliantly transformed the traditional perception of the Gallery, and effectively communicated the relevant and dynamic place that it now is.

Astutely balancing the interests of new audiences with the needs of those who have known the Gallery over a longer period, her thoughtful and inspirational manner infects her whole team and spreads wider across the Gallery. 

Her work leading a small fund-raising team has been outstanding.  Whether raising the funds for major projects, including the completion of the Ondaatje Wing, increasing support from individuals or companies, quietly contributing to campaigns for notable acquisitions and helping create the Gallery’s first endowment, The Portrait Fund, she has made a huge impact on the organisation. 

In the more specific role as Deputy Director, Pim has excelled in helping think through how the Gallery should move forward, but also how it needed to develop itself to do so.