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Development Priorities

The Cultural Leadership Programme sits at the intersection of three sector lead bodies and works across a broad range of sector specialisms. This challenges the programme to ensure that CLP delivery is fit for purpose within a dynamic and fast-changing cultural landscape.

The core range of CLP provision, as outlined the in the Work-based Learning and Intensive Learning strands, will therefore, be underpinned by a number of cross-cutting themes to ensure that the CLP mission to nurture world-class, dynamic and diverse leaders is achieved. These cross-cutting themes include:
· Diversity
· Governance Development
· Internationalism

With its ability to engage and conduct action research with key groups of learners, the CLP is well placed to explore and champion priority developments and ideas – becoming an incubator for experimentation and innovation in leadership provision. The links on this page detail the strategic actions and investments in these priority areas.

In addition, the CLP is prioritising action research to inform its activities in the following priority areas:

· Artist as Leader – ensuring that the range of CLP provision prioritises access to the specific needs of artists and creative leaders within and outside of organisations and businesses. Key areas of provision include CLP Placements, Dialogues, Research and embracing entrepreneurial approaches.
· A Competency Framework for Leadership - The Team are working with partners to develop a Competency Framework which will offer guidance about levels of leadership – emerging, mid career, new CEO, established and senior (as set out in Meeting the Challenge) including practical examples and diagnostic analysis to enable a shared understanding and assist with targeting leadership learning at different stages of the career cycle.
· Accreditation of CLP Activities – CLP is seeking to work with appropriate institutions to create a flexible accreditation matrix that enables those who seek formal accreditation to gain from their involvement with the Programme. CLP will explore the potential of accreditation for work based learning and online learning modules to support and enhance leadership development.