
Entrepreneurs as leaders

CLP has developed the ‘Entrepreneurs as Leaders’ strand to ensure that the provision CLP delivers is distinctive, lasting and influential. The strand will promote the development of entrepreneurial skills to support organisational, business and creative sustainability. This strategic ambition is being delivered through two priorities:

. Developing entrepreneurial skills and behavious in the subsidised sector

Entrepreneurship can be perceived as a difficult concept to conjure with when working within a public body or cultural organisation. It can be associated with commercialism rather than an approach to working that can be creative. CLP makes the case for emerging, mid-career and established cultural leaders as creative entrepreneurs, maximizing their artistic and creative practice. CLP works to establish entrepreneurial skills, behaviours and thinking as a valuable enhancement to leadership, underpinning key elements of creative practice.

Activities: Pecha Kucha and mentoring at the ICA; a course for cultural entrepreneurs at the School for Social Entrepreneurs (SSE); and a key networking opportunity at the Mind of an Entrepreneur (MOAE) event tbc.


. Increasing opportunities for entrepreneurial learning in the creative industries

CLP seeks to inform thinking and policy development around entrepreneurship through provision, partnership and action research. The strand is a key route to the creative
industries, bringing in models from outside the sector and internationally.

Activities: International placement opportunities offered by the Creative Innovation Unit, South Bank Centre.


A series of ‘Entrepreneurs in Conversation’ events

A programme of events were brought together inspirational entrepreneurs in dialogue with an invited audience - putting a spotlight on cultural entrepreneurialism and inspiring emerging entrepreneurs.