
Leadership development days

Leadership Development Days are a series of intensive development days for emerging and mid career leaders in London and regionally. Designed to support and enhance the leadership potential of black, Asian and ethnic minority people, disabled people and those working in micro-businesses (1-5 staff) in the cultural and creative industries.

Leadership Development Days are highly accessible, far-reaching and challenging. Themes include: Leadership, Management and Followership; clarification of language and assumptions about leadership; leadership styles; positional power, influence and courage. There will be ample opportunities for participants to engage with each other, reflect on their options and build diverse, sustainable networks.

LDD Plus
An LDDplus participant may have previously attended an Leadership Development Day or may not. In either case, the experience is challenging, engaging and novel and designed for those with slightly more experience of working in the cultural sector. The LDDplus workshop is designed around four core elements:
1. 9 box Leadership Matrix
2. Temperaments and Leadership
3. Leadership through uncertainty
4. Personal Brand and perceptions

Dates and locations:

Leadership Development Days
7th May Toynbee Studios, London
19th June Custard Factory, Birmingham
20th July Toynbee Studios, London

8th May Toynbee Studios, London
18th June Bridgewater Hall, Manchester

For further information, or to apply for a course, please contact Mark Wright at [email protected] 
